Dienstag, 21. Oktober 2008

Hi everybody!

It has been quite a while since my last post here. Sorry for the delay and sorry for this being typed in English. I just feel like that right now. :) Actually some fun things happened the last couple of weeks. But let me start of with the most exciting of all: I am flying home on November 5th! And with home I mean Germany! Isn’t that great? I think it is. I will be home in not even 16 days and I can not wait.

Besides my excitement for the just mentioned I did go to a Philadelphia Flyers game. That’s NHL and therefore ice hockey. Our VP for Finance gave me two of the season tickets plus a very nice parking pass and I got to enjoy a game with a friend. To be honest, it’s more fun to play then to watch. The whole crowd got so excited once a fight broke out. That was hilarious. A guy from the Flyers lost a fight and could not get up, and then everybody was booing. What hypocrites’! :)

That weekend I also had my first Ace in Disc Golf. For those of you who still haven’t gotten it: Yes, I am addicted! An Ace is similar to a hole-in-one in regular Golf. I did not even realize it. But right after, I went crazy and freaked out. What a great day! October 4th, 2008 on hole 16 at Wehr’s Dam/Covered Bridge Park in Orefield, PA! I will never forget that and hope there will be more soon!

The weather has gotten pretty cold up here. I still managed to finally go out to Philly and do some sightseeing. It is a nice city and not too big. Of course did I go to see the Rocky statue and ran up and down the stairs of the museum. Just like in the movie. Liberty Bell was also on the list as well as Independence Hall. It was really nice to see all these historic places. After everything on our list was checked off, we did go to a couple of bars and clubs. Apparently we had a couple of beers at a Bar where even Clinton used to go while in town, the Blue Martini on Market and 2nd. It was fun!

So this week I will finally finish my paper about the internship and then I can attack my thesis, which will be fun, interesting and challenging. Looks like a lot of reading will have to go into that. Well folks, that’s all for now! I will enjoy the last days here and wrap it up soon. Hope to see most of you once I am back in good old Germany!

Take care!

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